
Love my Wife & Country Gulf War Veteran Intel/Comms Mission Systems Information Warfare

Welcome to the Official California Audit Watch Channel, where we put as many eyes on election audits as possible! Help us watch, document & report. Let’s keep them honest! Chat:...

Combat Marine, Former State Trooper & Rodeo Cowboy…Seeker of Truth

National president of the American Guard. SPLC alumni Boogeyman of the left

Co-Host Outnumbered, Fox News. Fmr White House Press Secretary. Harvard Law JD. Georgetown. Oxford. Previvor. Wife of Sean Gilmartin. Mom of #BabyBlake.

Digital Soldiers fighting against the mainstream media so the truth will prevail! 🇺🇸 Join Patriots_Awakened chat

Instant Answers to Candidate Stances

Revolt Through Tradition is a metapolitical organization acting as a force of resistance and promoting a revival of the legionary spirit, as well as building culture behind the new American...

Raising awareness about the illegals hitting the SE Kent coast

We share the same biology Regardless of ideology, What might save us me and you Is that the Russians love their children too. Russia is a riddle wrapped in mystery...